Validation of Shellfish Isolates (Glycosaminoglycans, GAGs) for development as a novel anti-tumour therapy for Children: GAG action on lymphocytes /Tregulatory cells

Previous research (Dr Dave Pye Kidscan), has identified exiting anti-tumour properties of isolated natural compounds from shellfish termed ‘glycosylaminoglycans’ (GAGs). It is not known if they are effective just on tumour cells or if they also target any rapidly dividing cells (eg. WBC during an infection).
This study will culture lymphocytes from healthy bloods to test what effects GAGs have on them; (toxic cell death, growth promotion, or activation). Various families of lymphocytes will be assessed: T- helper(CD4), T- effector(CD8) and regulatory(Treg) cells. Using a range of cellular assays this study will further understanding of how feasible it may be to develop GAGs for treating childhood cancer.

Grant Award – Kidscan Pump Priming Grant (2016)

Funding Award – £10,000.00

Funding Awarded to – Dr Nanda Puspita

Research Location – University of Salford

Lead Researcher – Dr Nanda Puspita